From Danger Zones to Thriving Communities

Imagine living in a place where every step outside your door could mean the end of life or loss of limb due to hidden landmines underground. This was the recent reality for the people in Mt Darwin, Zimbabwe.

Imagine living in a place where every step outside your door could mean the end of life or loss of limb due to hidden landmines underground. This was the recent reality for the people in Mt Darwin, Zimbabwe. The HALO Trust, the world’s largest humanitarian landmine clearance charity, began work to clear the mines, the first step in supporting local communities to build a more secure future

A Multifaceted Approach to Community Transformation

At first glance, the task of The HALO Trust may have seemed straightforward: find and remove landmines. However, the real impact of their work reached far beyond just clearing the land. It touched every aspect of community life, from health and safety to education and economic growth.

Safety and Well-being

The most immediate impact was on the physical safety of the community. With the landmines gone, the constant fear of explosions disappeared:

  • Mine-related deaths and injuries fell to 0
  • 67.6% of community members reported feeling safer
  • 93.7% of those surveyed reported improved quality of life

Health Improvements

The removal of landmines had a significant positive impact on both physical and mental health:

  • 79.5% reported improvements in physical health
  • 81.1% reported improvements in mental health
  • 100% reduction in yearly mental health cases reported in health clinics

Economic Empowerment

Cleared land meant new opportunities for agriculture and economic growth:

  • 30% of farmers report their income increased, with their earnings increasing by an average of over 90%.
  • 42% increase in the farmers’ land size
  • 32.6% reported they can afford to buy more products

Access to Essential Resources

The project also improved access to vital resources:

  • 42.6% decrease in the average time to reach a water point
  • 19% of respondents report they see a higher variety and availability of foods in local markets

Education: The Unexpected Catalyst for Change

One of the most profound impacts was on education. With the landmines gone, parents felt confident sending their children to school, many for the first time:

  • 21.8% increase in school attendance (26.5% for boys, 17.1% for girls)
  • 40.3% increase in students passing their end-of-year exams (40.7% for boys, 39.8% for girls)

These improvements in education are creating a pathway to a brighter future for the entire community.

The Power of Data-Driven Impact Assessment

The success in Mt Darwin was not by chance. It was the result of carefully listening to the people affected, gathering data, and analysing the results. By deeply engaging with the community, including teachers, parents, and children, and using Rural Senses’ innovative qualitative data capture and advanced AI technology to analyse data, The HALO Trust uncovered the full extent of their work’s impact.

The Rural Senses platform allowed for easy visualisation and comparison of project data, encompassing both high-level and in-depth views. This comprehensive approach to data collection and analysis ensures that the true impact of landmine clearance efforts can be understood and communicated effectively.

Looking Forward

The Mt Darwin project demonstrates that landmine clearance is not just about removing physical barriers and making the land safe. It’s about unlocking potential and opening doors to opportunities that were previously unimaginable. As The HALO Trust continues its vital work around the world, the lessons learned from Mt Darwin will inform and enhance future projects, creating lasting positive change in communities affected by conflict.



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Case studies from some of our amazing customers who are building faster.

From Danger Zones to Thriving Communities

Imagine living in a place where every step outside your door could mean the end of life or loss of limb due to hidden landmines underground. This was the recent reality for the people in Mt Darwin, Zimbabwe.

Collaborative experiment for youth wellbeing

“In order to have an impact on the community, we need firstly to act to do it, and then we need to somehow measure it, monitor it and take out some learnings from it.”

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